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SWISS LOGO NEW2018CNTS Telecom company holds many years of experience in providing telecommunication and networking solutions and can take over the study, design, implementation and maintenance of complex integrated telecommunication projects, networking infrastructures, Call Centers, Telephony systems and Structured Cabling solutions in accordance with the ISO 9001: 2008 with which it is certified.

CNTS Telecom  specializes in providing complete and quality technological solutions such as:

  • Implementation of high-tech applications
  • Consulting services for the customer's technological needs
  • Deliver turn key solutions

"Our goal is to become a strategic provider of telecommunications equipment and services for our current and future customers"

Complete Network Telecom Solutions company has been active in the Greek market since 2000. It is staffed by many years of experience in telecommunication systems and with extensive experience in the design and implementation of Integrated Telecommunication Solutions people. The heart of the company is it's Technical Service Department. It consists of trained technicians and engineers that are able to meet cusntomers technological needs by providing high level technological services.The "expertise and know-how" has made CNTS Telecom a privileged partner of Banks, Private and Public Sector Organizations and Large Manufacturing Companies.

"Our basic principle is the quadruple "time", "cost", "quality", "security" to ensure servicew to our customers in the best possible way"


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